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Breakfast, lunch, dinner - with the products of our Off cooperation partners you are always well fed on your camping adventure!
What would camping be without amazing meals? The day gets off to a much better start with a great breakfast, doesn't it? And how much do you look forward to a good pick-me-up after action-packed adventures on your camping trip, we all know that feeling, don't we? Whether it's after a long hike through the mountains or a day on the surfboard by the sea, the anticipation of good, home-cooked food is enormous!
The camping kitchen in all of our camper models offer you the perfect basis for recipes of all kinds. If you prefer to prepare your meals outside, you can also rent a camping cooker from us.
Tip: With our new model, the Pössel Campstar, you can even turn the kitchen unit outwards and turn it into an outdoor kitchen!
Our cooperation products inspire a wide variety of recipes to get you through the day well fed while camping. Here's some inspiration for you:
Spice up your life - mit Gewürzmischungen von Sonnentor
Eine Prise Zimt über die morgendlichen Pancakes, ein bisschen Bolognese-Gewürz in die Pastasoße am Mittag, griechisches Salatgewürz in den Salat zum Abendessen: Die Gewürzmischungen von Sonnentor verleihen den ganzen Tag über deinen Mahlzeiten das gewisse Etwas. Geh mit Sonnentor auf kulinarische Entdeckungsreise und entdecke Gewürze aus aller Welt.
How could your morning start better than with freshly prepared pancakes in the midst of nature?
Ingredients for 2 people
2 eggs
2 tsp. butter/margarine or oil according to stock
250 g wheat flour
200 ml oat milk (Allos)
2 tsp. baking powder
2-3 tbsp. sugar
Optional toppings:
Chocolate shavings
and everything else you like
Mix the flour, butter or your butter alternative, eggs, baking powder, sugar and oat milk together in a larger container. The large pot that comes with all campers' equipment is best for this. Put on a pan and heat up some oil or butter in. Then add about two tablespoons of the previously mixed batter in the pan to form a pancake. Fry for a few minutes, turn once or twice, and your first pancake is done. Repeat the process until the batter is used up. At the same time you can heat up some frozen raspberries in another pan.
Then you can stack the pancakes, add toppings and the perfect breakfast is ready to be enjoyed!
Allos oat milk
Allos wants to make it easy for you to enjoy natural food. That's why they create delicious products that not only taste good to you, but also to our planet. Always organic. Always veggie. Allos does all this so that you can say: Allos - naturally good for me.
After exciting adventures in nature while hiking, surfing, or one of the other hundreds of possibilities, you can look forward to an invigorating, super delicious and even vegan lunch: burgers prepared with Vegan Patties from Greenforce.
Ingredients for 2 people
75g Greenforce ´Easy To Mix Vegan Burger´ Powder
Some oil for frying
4 burger buns
Lettuce, tomato, cucumber, onion
BBQE sauce
Mix about 75g of the burger mix with 150ml of cold water. Let the mixture soak in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Then, with wet hands, form the burger patties as big as you want them to be. Heat some oil in a frying pan and fry the patties for 3-4 minutes on low to medium heat on each side.
After that, you can top your burger buns with all the ingredients you like. BBQUE's barbecue sauces are perfect for your burger and with their five different varieties Original, Bacon, Barbecue&Beechwood, Honey&Mustard and Chili&Horseradish everyone will find their perfect flavor!
Tip: We all know the feeling of coming home with a ravenous appetite after a long exhausting day and would love to have the food ready on the table. So that you can save some time at noon during the preparation, you can already prepare the burger patties in the morning, then you only have to heat them up in a pan.
Bohlsener Mühle
Abgesehen von den Favabohnen Burgern hat die Bohlsener Mühle noch mehr schnell zubereitete Fertigmischungen für pflanzliche Bratlinge auf Lager: Falafel, Bällchen aus roten Linsen oder grüne Erbsen Sticks, schnell zubereitet und lecker sind sie alle.
BBQUE sauces refine every barbecue. To make sure that you're perfectly equipped for an amazing barbecue on your trip, we gift you a bottle of BBQUE sauce! The high quality makes BBQUE sauces an incredible experience. Tomatoes, fruit puree and favorite local ingredients such as beer or honey give them their characteristic flavor. Barbecue sauces that taste like they're homemade. For dipping, marinating, glazing and refining. Without any concentrates, artificial starches or preservatives.
Chop the onion and garlic and fry them in a pan with a little bit of oil. Then mix about 150g of the Greenforce ready-mix with 300ml of cold water. Then add the mixture to the pan and fry over low to medium heat. In the meantime, chop up the Vegan mince and fry it until it is browned to your liking. At the same time you can put another pot on the stove. For a particularly intense flavor, you can again first fry an onion and garlic clove with a little bit of oil. Then add the chickpeas and beans and sauté them for a few minutes. Then add the tomato sauce and the corn and mix everything together. To give it even more flavor, you can season it with salt, pepper, various spices and tomato paste.
Our secret tip: A little soy sauce and BBQE Chili&Horseradish barbecue sauce give the whole thing an extra spicy taste.
Finally, add the contents of the pan (vegan mix) to the pot, mix everything together and let it simmer on low heat for a few minutes.
Your chili sin carne is done! By the way, it's also super easy to prepare for large groups, as we did at one of our team events!
GREENFORCE products are 100% vegan, super delicious, animal-free and sustainable. Thanks to their powder form, they come without refrigeration and therefore are the perfect companion on your journey.
Magenknurren zwischen Mittag und Abend? Hafervoll got your back. Natürliche Zutaten, ohne Zusatzstoffe und in verschiedenen leckeren Sorten - der Organic Flapjack und der Porridge2go sind deine Zwischenmahlzeit für unterwegs.
Den im Ofen gebackenen Organic Flapjack gibt es in den Sorten Cocoa Nib & Hazelnut, Berry & Cashew, Chia & Pistachio und Banana & Brazil Nut - allesamt vegetarisch und laktosefrei. Genau wie der Porridge2go sind die Organic Flapjacks bio zertifiziert, 100% natürlich, ohne Zusatzstoffe und ohne zugesetzten Zucker.
Der Porridge2go mit Nussmus aus gerösteten Nüssen ist in allen Sorten - Haselnuss, Erdnuss und Mandel-Kokos - glutenfrei, vegan und im praktischen "to-go" Format ideal für unterwegs.
Manchmal hat man keine Zeit, um sich für ein leckeres Mittag- oder Abendessen lang an den Herd zu stellen. Oder auch einfach keine Lust. Keine Bange, auch wenn's mal ganz schnell gehen muss stehen unsere Kooperationspartner dir zur Seite.
Little Lunch
Die Ravioli aus der Dose von Little Lunch sind vegan, 100% Bio und 100% natürlich. Besonders praktisch: Du kannst sie auch kalt direkt aus dem Glas verspeisen.
56% Gemüseanteil
ohne zugesetzten Zucker
ohne zugesetzte Konservierungsstoffe
ohne zugesetzte Geschmacksverstärker
Falls Ravioli nicht so dein Fall sind, hat Little Lunch noch ganz viele andere schnell zubereitete Gerichte aus dem Glas zu bieten, zum Beispiel Gulaschsuppe (auch in vegan erhältlich), Chili, Kürbissuppe, Thai Curry und noch viel mehr.
Der Name ist Programm. Die schnell zubereiteten Ramen von yummy sind nicht nur super lecker, sie sind außerdem zu 100% pflanzenbasiert, glutenfrei, erreichen auf der Nutriscore-Skala ein glattes A und sind dazu noch eine gute Protein- und Ballaststoffquelle - quasi Instant Ramen in gesünderer Form.
Let the evening end in a relaxed way and let the impressions and experiences of the day take their effect on you. What better way to do that than with a simple and quickly prepared, but nevertheless versatile and delicious dinner?
Ingredients for any number of people
Bread of your choice
Nabio spreads of your choice
Extras of your choice:
Everything you need for an amazing dinner
Nabio makes balanced, creative organic dishes to enjoy at home and on the go. Vegan and vegetarian spreads, soups, stews and sauces that are perfect if you don't have a lot of time but still want to enjoy a wonderful meal. 100% organic, from our own production in Thuringia and without palm oil.
As you can see, with our cooperation products you are well equipped for your camping vacation and can look forward to the perfect mix of nature, adventure, relaxation and enjoyment!