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How does CO₂ compensation actually work?

Verena Autorin
Article from Verena



Blick von einem Hügel auf einen Wald mit See im Hintergrund
Kleine Hütte aus Palmenblätter gebaut an einem Fluss
Blick von einem Tannenwald auf einen See im Hintergrund
It's like every aspect of our consumer behaviour: ´As little as possible, as much as necessary`. Offsetting alone is not enough, of course. One thing is certain: we must reduce CO₂ emissions to save our climate. And everyone can and should make a contribution to this. Eating less meat, changing electricity suppliers, wearing clothes for longer. These are all possibilities. Just like travelling in an environmentally conscious and climate-friendly way. That way, you don't have to give up your holiday completely.
Studies have shown that people who compensate for climate-damaging emissions also tend to lead a more sustainable lifestyle in other ways. This means that offsetting payments should not be seen as a freebie or carte blanche but as an additional opportunity for climate-friendly action.
So if you rent one of our top-equipped campers, follow our tips for sustainable vanlife and use an eco-camping site you're already travelling in a very climate-friendly way. We offset the emissions caused by our campers through our partnership with natureOffice. We have been supporting the TOGO PROJECT since 2022 and can therefore not only do something for climate protection but also improve the social structures of the people in Togo/West Africa.
By the way, you can calculate how much CO₂ you cause in your daily life.
Would you like to go on a climate-friendly holiday?

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