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Ein Mann winkt aus einem VW Grand California auf dem Beifahrersitz, daneben sitzt eine Frau
Ein Mann winkt aus einem VW Grand California auf dem Beifahrersitz, daneben sitzt eine Frau

Vignettes in Europe - what you need to know

Autorin Melanie
Article from Melanie

If you're travelling by camper you'll not get past buying a vignette at the border.

Whether European Union or non-EU countries - wherever you're planning on going next by camper it's best to get information on the respective toll regulations well in advance before departure . Because violations against the vignette and toll obligation can cause fines up to 800€. Here you can find out which vignette is needed for which country!
Maut Freunde in Auto
Aussicht aus Auto auf Autobahn

The most popular European destinations at a glance


The Austrian freeway and expressway network is subject to tolls - with a few exceptions. For some sections such as the Brenner, Tauern and Pyhrn freeways as well as the Arlberg and Karawanken tunnels a special toll (digital toll) is also charged regardless of the vignette. The toll sticker for motor vehicles up to 3.5 tons is available in digital form and as a classic sticker and is valid for 10 days, 2 months or 1 year. You can get them at signposted service stations. You can also buy the digital vignette at local ADAC offices or at the ASFINAG. It's linked to the vehicle license plate and valid from the date of purchase.


Almost all freeways in Italy are subject to tolls. The amount of the fee depends on the route and the vehicle class. Payment is made at the toll stations - preferably in cash, as credit card payments are not always possible. In addition, there are still the VIACARD toll boxes in Italy, processing takes place automatically as well as the TELEPASS with the possibility of online registration with Tollticket.
Highway Italien - Streckenmaut und digitale Vignette


On Swiss roads, the obligation to pay a toll depends on the weight of the vehicle. On freeways and all national roads with white/green signs the vignette obligation applies to all motor vehicles and trailers up to 3.5 tons and therefore for the camper as well. Vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of over 3.5 tons have to pay an extra fee on all roads. In addition, there are a number of chargeable tunnels and car terminals. The vignette is valid for the year that's printed on it as well as in December of the previous year and in January of the following year, i.e. a total of 14 months. In later seasons the likelihood of your Off camper already having a Swiss vignette is higher.


If you want to drive along Slovenia's roads you should definitely buy the vignette before entering. If you're seen driving without a valid vignette on routes requiring one, you'll pay enormous fines between 300 € and 800 € - even if you did so unintentionally. The use of all freeways and expressways is subject to tolls for vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of up to 3.5 tons. For vehicles over 3.5 tons GVW, a distance-based toll is charged. Toll-free alternatives are not recommended under any circumstances due to the longer travel time and unclear signage.


In France, almost all freeways and some bridges and tunnels are subject to tolls. The cost is approximately 0.09 to 0.14 euros per kilometre. The highways are not operated by a single company but by different ones, each of which sets individual prices. Tolls are calculated based on the distance travelled and the vehicle class or size.
Mother and baby daughter in front of Campervan at the sea
Class 1: Vehicles as well as car/trailer combinations with a maximum height of 2 metres and a permissible total weight of less than 3.5 tons.
Class 2: Vehicles as well as car/trailer combinations with a maximum height of between 2 and 3 metres and a permissible total weight of less than 3.5 tons.
Class 3: Vehicles with two axes as well as a total height of 3 metres and more or a permissible total weight over 3.5 tons.
With our campers VW T6.1 California Beach and Ocean you're in class 1. With the Pössl 2Win Plus and the Fiat Ducato Sunlight you're in class 2.
Here you can find a list of the current tolls for the different vehicle classes (as of 2019). For a better overview on the road, there's also a map with marked toll and toll-free routes as PDF to download and print out. You can use this toll calculator to plan your trip.
Special feature: environmental vignettes for Paris, Lyon and Grenoble
Since April 2017, foreign vehicles are also only allowed to drive in some cities (e.g. Paris, Lyon, Strasbourg and Lille as well as the greater Grenoble area) with the "Crit'Air" vignette. This environmental sticker is issued according to vehicle category and can be ordered online here. Attention: Shipping currently takes about 10 days!

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