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Zwischen zwei Campern ist eine Hängematte aufgespannt, in der ein Mann liegt

Wild camping in Greece - Tips & Tricks

Black and white picture of CamperBoys intern Jana
Article from Jana

Greece is attracting more and more curious camping enthusiasts and for good reasons, because the landscapes are incredibly diverse!

Camping Griechenland

Wild camping Greece: Permitted or not?

Gebirge Griechenland

What are the penalties for wild camping?

Where should you be especially careful and where are they more tolerant?

Wo solltest Du besonders vorsichtig sein und wo herrscht Toleranz?

Griechenland Strand

Where can you park your camper?

Griechenland Wildnis
Griechenland Stadt

What else do you have to look out for when wild camping in Greece?


How do I behave properly when wild camping?

Most of us camp for the love of nature and the incomparable feeling of freedom. Unfortunately, in many cases this harms both nature and the local economy. Here are a few tips that you should keep in mind when wild camping.

  • Leave the place as clean as you found it!

  • Be careful not to disturb animals and nature through noise or fire!

  • Dispose of gray water at designated stations!

  • Be considerate of residents and fellow campers!

  • Support the local tourism and give back to your vacation destination!


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